As much as we like to pretend a lot of the time that we are self-sufficient and happily independent, in truth we spend much of our lives just wanting to be loved.
We make many friends and attach ourselves to different groups of people, yet often feel like we are on the edge of things.
We spend time with our families, but we seem to end up fighting with them or feeling like we don’t live up to expectations.
We look for romantic relationships, yet frequently face disappointment and rejection.
We can sometimes despair of ever feeling truly loved. But perhaps the problem is that we look for love in the wrong places.
The Bible tells us that God loves us generously. The God who made us loves his rebellious children with a love so strong that he gave up his treasured son. John writes, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.”
And although there are many blessings in our human relationships, there is more security and assurance in the love that God offers than we will find in any earthly love.